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Jessica Carnes For Living Expenses!




On behalf of Jessica Carnes. She is 34 years old. Currently, living in ontario of East-central Canada. Studied a cosmetic therapy for 2 years in Michigan of America. Has worked in a cosmetic industry is more than 4 years. Now, she got lost a job and income. Due company in lockdown of pandemic. Any amount will help will be appreciated. The fund will goes for the cost of her living expenses. As her friend, I been send her a little amount of money for supporting her need of every fortnight. Now it's up to you. To give a big or small of amount. All funds will go to her account. Together we can make a difference. 



Nonprofit fundraising refers to the process of gathering money to support a nonprofit or charitable organization. Nonprofits can fundraise through various digital and traditional means and engage both individuals and corporations to provide a variety of ways to donate.


We currently have limited support available over the phone. If the lines are busy, please leave a message or submit a Support Request for the quickest response.


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